How ANRE distributed the cheapest energy in the country – the one delivered Hidroelectrica on the regulated market. The quantities received by Electrica, Enel, CEZ and E.On

For the period March 1st – December 31st 2019, the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) imposed to large electric energy producers to sell a certain amount of energy at fixed prices to... Read more »

Electricity consumers will pay annually up to 340 million euros in their invoice to support energy investments. Contracts for difference (CfD) appear

The Energy Ministry has published a summary of the study it has requested concerning the introduction of CfDs to finance energy investments. All low carbon emissions technologies will qualify for this mechanism,... Read more »

A new market appears. Renewable energy producers can now sell energy and green certificates in a „bundle”

ANRE drafted the operating rules for a new market for energy producers from renewable sources, on which both energy and green certificates can be sold. „It was decided to create and make... Read more »